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Nemanja Manojlovic

Sweden, Stockholm





I am results-driven and highly skilled software engineer with 2+ years of experience in developing and delivering high-quality software solutions. Proficient in multiple programming languages, frameworks, and methodologies. Adept at problem-solving and collaborating with cross-functional teams to deliver exceptional products.


  • Diploma in Software Development, Code Institute, Dublin, Ireland 2019-2021

    Relevant Coursework:

    • Programming Languages (JavaScript, Python, Bash)
    • Web Programming (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
    • Front-End Frameworks (Bootstrap, React, jQuery)
    • Back-End Development (Django, Flask)
    • Payment Processing (Stripe)
    • Databases (MySQL, Postgres, NoSQL, MongoDB)
    • Testing methodologies (Unit Testing, Jest)
    • Version Control (Git, GitHub)
    • Responsive Web Applications (HTML, CSS, Javascript)
    • Agile Software Development (Agile methodologies, collaborating in a team environment)
    • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Goldsmits, University of London, 2022-ongoing

    Relevant Coursework:

    • Software Design and Development
    • Parallel Processing
    • Object-Oriented Programming
    • Web Programming (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
    • Project Management
    • Front-End Frameworks (React, Angular)
    • Data Structures and Algorithms
    • Back-End Development (Node.js, Django)
    • Programming Languages (C++, Python, JavaScript)
  • Natural Science International Baccalaureate, Stockholm, Sweden (2014 - 2017)

Technical Skills

  • Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Ruby, Bash, PowerShell, C++

  • Front-End: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Vue, Angular, Astro, Tailwind, Bootstrap, jQuery, ThreeJS, GraphQL, Webpack, GSAP

  • Back-End: Django, Flask, Node.js, Express, Next, Nest, Rails, GraphQL

  • Cloud Providers: GCP, AWS, Heroku, Digital Ocean, Azure

  • Databases: MySQL, Postgres, NoSQL, MongoDB

  • Testing: Unit Testing, Jest

  • Version Control: Git, GitHub, GitLab

  • Payment Processing: Stripe

  • Agile Methodologies: Scrum, Kanban

  • Software Design and Development: Figma, Blender, Logo Design, Vector Design, 3D Design and Modelling, Mockups, Adobe XD, Photoshop

  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Development (CI/CD): Docker, Docker-compose, Kubernetes, Kubectl, Skaffold, Minikube, Dokku, Github Actions, Dependabot


  • Full-Stack Software Engineer, Aug 2022 - March 2023 Nebulr Group, Sweden, Stockholm

    • Collaborated on the creation of underlying infrastructure for new products.
    • Maintained and extended the current infrastructure supporting the NorthWhistle product.
    • Designed and implemented proprietary cloud microservice solutions and client-side plugins using React, CLI, and SDKs.
    • Automated tasks through DevOps practices to improve development efficiency.
    • Administered and created monorepos and associated stack's toolchains, including Webpack, Yarn, NPM, Tailwind, PostCSS, and BabelJS.
    • Utilised GraphQL for efficient data querying and manipulation.
    • Leveraged Jira for issue tracking and project management.
    • Worked on SDK development, Web Services API, and integrating OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (OIDC) for secure authentication.
    • Contributed to GitHub repositories and utilised GitHub Actions for automated workflows.
    • Developed applications using TypeScript, Next.js, and React Native. Employed Docker for containerization and deployment.
  • Full-Stack Software Engineer, Jan 2021 - Jan 2022 Freelance/Contract Basis, Self-Employed

    • Successfully executed multiple contract projects, delivering high-quality software solutions for clients in diverse industries.
    • Implemented Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, reducing deployment time by 40% and ensuring efficient and reliable software releases.
    • Designed and developed responsive and visually appealing websites for startup companies, enhancing user experiences and online presence.
    • Optimised WordPress websites for performance, resulting in a 30% improvement in page loading times and user satisfaction.
    • Collaborated closely with clients to gather requirements, provide regular project updates, and ensure alignment with their vision and goals.
    • Demonstrated exceptional problem-solving skills by resolving complex technical challenges and delivering projects within specified timeframes.
    • Managed project timelines, scope, and resources, ensuring successful project completion and client satisfaction.


  • Nblocks Project, Nebulr:
    • Developed Nblocks, an innovative product designed to streamline application development processes.
    • Improved code reusability, interoperability, and code design through its frontend plugin, backend plugin, and API microservices architecture.
    • Empowered developers with rapid and cost-effective application development through simplified user registration and setup using a CLI tool.
  • NorthWhistle App, Nebulr:
    • Contributed to development of NorthWhistle, a plug-and-play whistleblowing solution empowering anonymous reporting of unethical behaviour.
  • React Typescript Github Repository Template, Open Source:
    • Built a powerful GitHub Repository Template integrating cutting-edge technologies, enabling faster project and front-end application development.
    • Focused on empowering developers by providing a seamless development environment.
  • MikiCloud Company’s Website, Contract Based:
    • Designed and developed the company’s website

Extra-curricular Activities:

  • Active Programming and UI/UX Blogging:

    • Regularly publish insightful articles about programming techniques, tips, and best practices.
    • Share valuable insights into UI/UX design principles to enhance user experiences.
    • Contribute to the programming community and stay updated with industry trends.
  • Volunteer Work with Children with Special Needs:

    • Volunteered at a school for children with special needs through the International Red Cross in Serbia.
    • Provided hands-on assistance and guidance in physical exercises, swimming, and various associated activities.
    • Developed patience, empathy, and effective communication skills while contributing to the well-being of the children.


  • Team Collaboration:

    • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to deliver Nblocks, and improvedevelopment time by 20%.
    • Coordinated tasks, timelines, and communication, completing projects ahead of schedule.
  • Initiative and Inovation:

    • Introduced streamlined processes for efficient tooling and technology setups, improving code quality and project delivery.
    • Built OAuth 2.0 with OpenID layer microservice for enhanced user experience and third-party integration.
  • Agile Team Contribution:

    • Actively participated in agile processes, contributing ideas to enhance team efficiency and project delivery.
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration:

    • Partnered with Product Managers to troubleshoot and resolve critical issues, fostering a collaborative work culture.